
Healing power of stones Bettina frequently works with


…balances energies and is used to protect against psychic attacks. Excellent stone for one who is attempting to find freedom from addictive personalities (oneself or another)


…increases motivation and builds up energy reserves, clears confusion and helps to access information to be used personally and for the collective good


…overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, has the power to harmonize yin and yang soothing and calming stone


…is soothing the nerves and enhances communications concerning love. Antispasmodic – e.g. menstruation


…stone of courage. Its calming energies reduces stress and quiet the mind


…brings about clear understanding and new perspectives. It transmutes fear and phobias and brings in understanding of why they occurred in the first place. It is a powerful healing stone

Blue Goldstone

…is a synthetic stone that is glass with shavings of copper suspended in it. Rumored to be a form of Sunstone created when alchemists were attempting to create gold, it is said to stabilize emotions, and revitalize and energize the entire body

Blue lace Agate

…is a wonderful healing stone. Its soft energy is cooling and calming, bringing peace of mind. It is a powerful throat healer, lowers fever, treats arthritic and bone deformity.

Blue Quartz

…aids concentration and unlocks memory. It is a great energy saver and a master healer! It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Blue Quartz is calming the mind, is beneficial for the organs of the upper body.


…protects against envy, fear, and rage, and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. It enhances courage, energy and high spirits


…is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will and enhances group stability. It is a powerful cleanser, lessens the effects of dementia and senility, increases physical energy

Cherry quartz

…aids concentration and unlocks memory. It is a great energy saver and a master healer! It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance


…is a tranquil and sustaining stone, it helps mediation and communication. It draws off negative energies of all kinds. It can help to accept with serenity situations that are constantly changing. With its cooling action it heals infections, esp. throat, relieves arthritic pain. An excellent stone for women. C. treats PMS and menstrual cramps


… to be continued …