
Take some green Franklin balls and get rolling! Releasing tension in your neck and shoulders allows the brain to work more efficiently it allows the blood to flow more freely by releasing the muscular tension that builds up (particularly if you’re sat in front of the computer for hours.)

Very ‘complicated’ instructions:

  1. Lie on floor
  2. Place balls under shoulders
  3. Roll around and enjoy

Warning: Rolling on Franklin balls can be addictive and a distraction from working. (Seriously: Do not use on an acute condition)

I teach the following Workshops upon request:

Relax your Neck – Liberate your Shoulders

Franklin Method® Workshop with Bettina Muench

Franklin Shoulder BallonsExperience the power of imagery, touch and simple movement exercises to lengthen and balance shoulder and neck musculature. Learn how to melt away tension and associated mental anxiety. Release holding patterns in the upper body by activating the pelvic floor foundation and becoming aware of organic causes of tightness and muscular rigidity. Learn the experiential anatomy of the shoulder girdle and benefit from an increased awareness into the function and interaction of joints and muscles. Exercise with small rolling balls to experience smooth joint action, increased circulation and balanced posture. This serves as a wholesome foundation for a liberated shoulder girdle and a relaxed, mobile neck.

A unique evolutionary invention, our shoulder girdle allows us to maintain our arms above our heads for a fairly long period of time without tiring. The counterbalancing effect of the shoulder blade is especially helpful in arm elevation. Dancers, gymnasts and anyone attempting to reach for the coffee container on the top shelf needs to be able to lift their arms effortlessly without disturbing their centers or increasing tension in the shoulders, back and torso. If it weren’t for our tree-picking progenitors, we probably wouldn’t have shoulders constructed to do so.

Pelvic Power for dynamic core support

Franklin Method® Workshop with Bettina Muench

This workshop will provide a fresh understanding of correct anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis and the pelvic floor. We will experience how the pelvic joints and pelvic floor coordinate to create efficient and safe movement. Improved usage means better posture and relief for the lower back. Finally we will practice how to integrate it into daily life, sitting, standing, walking and moving. Experience the benefits of the mind/body connection through imagery, movement and touch. Franklin Method® imagery provides the brain with the feedback it needs to create improved ease of movement, flexibility and strength. In this workshop we discover how specific movements of the pelvis make abdominal and pelvic stability a whole new training field. Discover this new approach to pelvic dynamics and open the door to the wonderful world of imagination!

Feet for Life: Organizing our Dynamic Base

Franklin Method® Workshop with Bettina Muench

Our feet carry us throughout our life-yet most of us are unaware of the amazing design that makes this possible. A myriad of bones, joints and muscles interacting in complex fashion allow the foot to propel us forward, adapt to terrain, and serve as a foundation and sensory organ. This course will elucidate the function of the foot in an experiential manner, allowing us to improve the agility and well being of our feet in all situations, including walking, running, jumping and dancing. In dance as in life the strength and agility of the feet is key. Without strong and well-aligned feet good posture cannot be attained and safe jumping is all but impossible.

  • Gain insight into the functional anatomy of the foot.
  • Learn imagery exercises for creating strong, flexible and agile feet.
  • Practice Theraband exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and ankle.
  • Learn imagery and self-touch exercises to improve the efficiency of the bones, tendons, muscles and joints for walking and jumping.

Psoas conditioning

Franklin Method® Workshop with Bettina Muench

PsoasDo you want to know….

  • More about your body’s center?
  • How to move from there?
  • How to relax your lower back and move more efficiently?
  • Improve your posture?
  • Improve your athletic performance?

Then you want to know more about your Psoas muscle!!

Imagery exercises for deep muscular support of the spine, pelvis and hips. The depth of the Psoas complex in the body can make it difficult to understand the importance of its function, which is why clear information and imagery will help to bridge this gap. Feel spinal stabilization and pelvis rebalancing like never before!



I also offer workshops on additional topics – please contact me for details.